35% is how much of this pregnancy is left...if they let me go to my due date! It is crazy to me that we are that close to be done! 102 days...Christmas Eve will be our first day under 100 in the countdown.
This morning as I was laying in bed waiting for Handsome to finish in with his shower so I could, Ms. Cupcake (not only does she already have a name, but we already have her nickname too) was moving my belly all over the place. It was crazy! It wasn't like the other times where it just looking like someone was tapping on the other side, this time it was an actual movement of a body part (still not sure which one!) Like my entire belly shifted for a second, CRAZY! I am enjoying being pregnant, and even all the comments when people ask how long we have left and their responses of, "WOW" or "REALLY, I would have guessed it was much sooner than that!" are not bothering me. I know that is the 'nice' way of saying, "WOMAN, you are HUGE!" But seriously, with all the 'taking it easy' this pregnancy has brought and the fact that I have high fluid and am possibly further along than they originally stated what is a person suppose to do?!?!? I look forward to the day that someone other than myself can feel Cupcake moving inside of me too!
Each of my family have their own way of communicating their 'special' things to Cupcake. Princess sings Jesus Loves Me to her almost every day now, has been doing it for almost three weeks and now every time she sings it Cupcake starts dancing like mad! Hopefully one of these days she will give Mama a kick hard enough that Princess can feel her baby sister move! Sunshine just started singing his favorite song to her last night after seeing sissy do it for so long...so every day Cupcake will get to hear Lincoln Brewster's "Today is the Day!" While he was singing last night the phrase, "I won't worry about tomorrow, I'm trusting in what you say" really caught be off guard and reminded me I need to worry alot less about Cupcake and our Texas baby because God knows and my worries cannot change anything any way! Handsome and I talked a week ago and he is narrowing in on a select few verses that he is going to start reading to Cupcake every night before bed (that seems to be when she is most active.) It does seem that Cupcake likes the repetitiveness of hearing the same voice saying or singing the same thing and that does get her moving!
So in 102 days or less we will meet Cupcake, and everyone is VERY excited!
We ordered her crib and dresser/changing table this morning too! So next week sometime after getting home from all the Christmas craziness, we should have that here waiting to be set up! SO EXCITED! She's coming!
What a sweet post!!! :) So excited for your whole family!!! Your title made me think of this:
Haha. :)
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