Today is Thursday, right?!?!? That is kind of the way this week has gone...
BUT, I do have something to be extremely thankful for! While our pregnancy has ben very up and down in the risky end...I am now (and have been for a while) feeling little Grasshopper on a regular, almost scheduled, basis! I am thankful for this as feeling her wiggling and dancing inside of me is a constant reminder that she is there...ALIVE! I have to say, while it is the neatest thing I have ever is also the STRANGEST/WIERDEST thing I have evet felt in my life. I am really enjoying feeling her move, wondering if she is going to look more like Handsome or myself...will she be blonde or dark haired? It is pretty much a given that she will have blue eyes...I hope like mine were pre-miscarriages! Will she have Handsomes ears? Will she have my large nose? Will she have his chin...on and on the list goes! I think of these things almost constantly, because if I do not dwell on the positive the 'what ifs' of our risky pregnancy creep into my mind!
On Saturday we will be 23 weeks, just 17 weeks from our estimated due date...that means that she could be 14 weeks from being 'full term' and that is thrilling to me! Pregnancy has been one of the most wonderful journies of my life and I am thankful for the chance to experience it....even if every part of life right now I hear 'take it easy' and 'don't do that!'
On the other side of things, we also are completely and fully contracted with our adoption agency and will start being presented to birthmothers as they come in! With that comes much prayer because we need a minimum of $7500 raised to complete the adoption....we had $17500 in a loan at the start knowing it wasn't the full amount, but also knowing God was leading us to adopt it will be fun (and because I'm human - stressful!) to see how He works!
So much to be thankful for!
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