So I think there are some things that I would like for people to know:
Our adoption, we have desired to adopt another child since the time we finalized Sunshine's adoption (8.1.08) and have been praying for God to guide us and direct us as to when it should or should not happen. In May/June of this year God brought us to that time, the time when we knew it was His time to start the process. We started with paperwork, contracts, background checks, and also with some payments...but we were committed. The very day we signed our first contract we were 2 weeks pregnant but did not know that. God knew, but we didn't.
God has also brought into our path 3 people that offered to do fundraisers for us. We are thankful for this.
The urgency that came about in November was due to the fact that if we got all of our paperwork finished and to the agency by the 30th of November we would save $3000! That is huge! So the fact that we may have seemed to be 'pushing' things in the Thanksgiving month was due to trying to be frugal and save that large sum of money!
Now that the paperwork is in we have no hurry. If God brings us our adopted baby tomorrow, we would be thankful and excited. If He chose to wait until after Emi was born or even a year down the road, we are happy with that too! We want to do what God wants for our lives...never push ahead of Him and never hold His timing back. Now are we perfect? No, not at all! Have we messed up? YES! But we know that God clearly brought us to the decision to adopt again at the very same time He created and {so far} has sustained our little Emi's life. We also know that he brought us to the very end of November with the paperwork just to show us how AMAZING He is...we did get the $3000 credit, on the very last day of elegibility! Do we still have some financial things to work out to be able to finish the adoption? YES! We do, but we also know that God can to amazing things and in His way and His time it will happen!
I hope this clears some things up for some of you, I know that there are many people that think us continuing to persue adoption while expecting is not a wise decision and there have even been a few that have said they think we are stepping out of God's will for our lives. I appreciate those that will sincere hearts have asked questions and tried to figure things out before jumping to conclusions and throwing names and accusations our way. I am always happy to answer questions! But we pray every day for God to direct our steps!
7 years ago
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