I know, I know "every mom goes through this" and "at least they are growing, that means they are healthy" and all those other good comments...but seriously! It seems there isn't a thing they cannot help with any more. From laundry to cooking to cleaning to even entertaining one Pumpkin while I diaper/feed another....they are very good little helpers these days!
How did this happen? How do they go from tiny little babies to such big kids with personalities and opinions all of their own? It is funny to me to look at this picture an realize they are 3 months apart...and that Sunshine was bigger than Princess by over a pound when he was born! CRAZINESS!
The newest excitement around our house is that the kids get to be in their very first Christmas Drama at church next Sunday! They are very excited, Princess will be an angel and Sunshine will be a king! While being in the drama means that we are going to miss out on Handsome's family Christmas, but we are excited to see the kids serving the Lord in this capacity!
We do hope you are celebrating Jesus' birth this time of year and that you can have a 'Merry CHRISTmas' Will be posting the family Christmas Card and letter sometime next week...if anyone wants one in the mail email or message me on FB with your address and I am still working on sending them out!
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