This is one of the main streets through town...it looks more like a river!

Another view of the same river, oh, I mean street.

In front of the Spearfish Electric Shop (where Jason works.)

I think the tacos will be a little soggy today at Taco Johns. Actually Jason said he could see the owner through the windows lifting stuff off the floor while I was taking this picture.

This is the
Nash street bridge. The water was actually hitting the bottom of the bridge and flying up on the other side.

This is the golf course, there is usually a VERY small stream of water that flows right through where the water it attempting to go.

Another shot of the golf course.

This is a road that some of our church people live on, they were able to get off and on their way to Chicago for a wedding before things got too bad. The
stuff on the road is actually rocks, the water has so much power it is hauling big rocks and other "

This is a road that another one of the church families lives on. We talked with them shortly after taking this photo and they said that their front yard was a lake of red water. Thankfully they do not have a basement!

This is one of Jason's job sites,
Elkhorn Campground. Just last week they were putting new furnaces in the crawl space and now they will be taking them out and replacing them in the coming weeks. The crawl spaces have 4 feet of water in them.

Another location of Spearfish Creek. This little creek is usually much smaller and clear enough to see to the bottom. It has picked up some red dirt along the way!

Spearfish Creek again.

This is the bridge over Spearfish Creek by Jason's work. This is a bike path under the bridge and at the
bottom the white wall is at least 5' tall.

Jason said that when he was at the shop this morning and they were deciding if it was worth trying to get somewhere to work that some people stopped by from just up the street and they said the water was
literally running THROUGH their house. It was
fillng up their basement, but it was going so fast it was coming in the back door and out the front door. He also talked to someone
who's house was totaled by the flood. This is very strange for us because we usually are so dry that we are already fighting fires in the hills. Jason's bosses' parents also lost their truck to hail and a
coworkers car was also totaled.
There is still rain in the forcast at least through Tuesday, so it doesn't seem that it is going to get better in the near future.
It looks like I will need to send you some wood and stuff to build a boat!!! Oh my, I hope that you will not have any water up to your doors - or worse - in your doors.
Give my babies a hug and kiss from gram
Love you all
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