With all the water flowing around here, we thought it would be fun to drive up the Canyon and see all the water and see the different waterfalls that are throughout. This is the greenest that we have EVER seen the canyon and we have been driving it for 6 years now.

A waterfall that is not normally there

More water that isn't suppose to be there!

There was beautiful little falls here and there throughout the entire canyon!

Jason and I also love the fog hanging over the hills! God has blessed us with so much beauty around here, for this we are thankful.

Ada Grace and Ethan have done very well with all the driving around we have done today. They are actually playing "peek a boo" behind their
car seats.

Spearfish Creek flowing where there is normally NO water at all!

More "new" waterfalls.

See the water coming down all over the place! All of that water has to come through Spearfish, but it sure makes for some beautiful pictures in the Canyon!

More water flowing where there is usually a dry creek bed!
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