One of the things that I really wanted to do was spend time at
Navy Pier. I was able to go the in college with one of the "trips" I won for different things while at HAC, but due to being in a group we didn't get to do everything each of us wanted to do. So, I wanted to go back! We walked all around the outside of the pier.

Chicago Skyline from the point.

My wonderful Uncle Laurel and Aunt Wendy!

I really like this picture.

Just had to take a picture of this, since we used to live in Huron South Dakota. I also saw that one of the streets downtown Chicago was Huron!

A fun looking boat.

You may wonder the purpose of this very random picture, but I want you to focus on the far right of the picture and see the woman in the black dress that is just stepping out of my camera view. I really think that was her real hair, no wig! It cracked me up.

The kids have their shades while they are enjoying their cool new ride!

Ada Grace and Mommy

Ada Grace really like the water.

Ethan and Daddy

We did alot of walking the day we went downtown. Uncle Laurel said that if we walked in straight lines that it was about 8 1/2 - 9 miles. Of course we didn't walk in straight lines, we checked out a few stores on the Magnificent Mile (Nike Town), we ate, and we back tracked a little bit here and there. I think the kids got a little tired out...and all they did was ride!

We couldn't resist stopping to take this picture, they were both asleep with their heads turned into each other and they are HOLDING HANDS! This is very characteristic of them, I have a picture from January 07 (the kids were 3 months and a few weeks old) and they are holding hands. When they are tired they still try to at least be touching.
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